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Werner Scheltjens

name: Werner Scheltjens

title: Dr.

affiliation: University of Groningen, Netherlands

2008-2010: University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis / ENS de Lyon

function in the project: Post-doctoral fellow




Books: authored

  • 2009 Werner Scheltjens, De invloed van ruimtelijke verandering op operationele strategieën in de vroeg-moderne Nederlandse scheepvaart: een case-study over de Nederlandse scheepvaart in de Finse Golf en op Archangel, 1703-1740 [The influence of spatial change on operational strategies of early- modern Dutch shipping: a case-study on Dutch shipping in the Gulf of Finland and on Archangel, 1703-1740]. Groningen: Barkhuis publishing, 2009, 320 pp.


Edited Inventories

  • 2003 Werner Scheltjens, Hans van Koningsbrugge (eds.), Van onze reporter ter plaatse: neerlandica in de Sint-Petersburgse Tijdingen 1728-1775 [From our man on the spot: neerlandica in The St. Petersburg Times 1728-1775]. Groningen: NRAC, 2003, 404 pp. (NRAC Inventories 3).

Essays in edited volumes

  • 2009 ‘Sources for the Study of Dutch trade in the Gulf of Finland, 1558-1780’ // Stadt und Meer im Ostseeraum während des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Seehandel, Sozialstruktur und Hausbau – dargestellt in historischen Informationssystemen. Rostock, 2009.
  • 2009The influence of spatial change on operational strategies in early-modern Dutch maritime shipping: a case-study on Dutch maritime shipping in the Gulf of Finland and on Archangel, 1703-1740 (submitted to International Journal of Maritime History; working paper version available as MPRA Paper 17153)


Working papers

  • 2009 “New routines, growing interference and operational efficiency gains: the influence of Czar Peter the Great’s economic policy on Dutch maritime shipping with Russia, 1709- 1724,” MPRA Paper 17168.
  • 2008The impact of a new port on the organization of maritime shipping: an attempt to generalize the results of a case-study on the foundation of St. Petersburg and its influence on Dutch maritime shipping,” MPRA Paper 9054.
  • 2008Logistics in early-modern Europe: A discussion of specialization, flexibility and efficiency in the activities of the Dutch shipping community in the eighteenth century,” Paris School of Economics Working Paper 2008-11.
  • 2006When Nyen became St. Petersburg: Patterns of specialization in Dutch shipping in the eastern Gulf of Finland in the first half of the eighteenth century,” MPRA Paper 7686.

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